Florida Gulf Coast Traditional Small Craft Assoc. Festival at Sarasota Sailing Squadron

April 21-23 2017

Photos by Ron Hoddinott and Dom Romer


Drascombe Drifter Yawl cruises the bay by the Squadron.


Dale and Kristi aboard Core Sound 17, Lively.


Menger 15 - owned by Kent Bleakley.


JF Bedard's ROG Everglades Challenge boat sports a new coat of white paint.


RoG has had a few interior improvements for cruising.


Rex and Kathleen's Caldonia Yawl - Kathleen.


The 15 Menger Cat with 4 aboard!


Dan Roder, JF Bedard and Dan's son sailing his Wayfarer.


Dale and Kristi rowing out - What's that guy on the powerboat reaching for??


Line up along the docks!


Glen Osoling and Kent furling the big sail on the Menger 15.


Dennis Bradley and his Egret - sailed from Bokeelia - Pine Island Sound.


Jeff Carr admires the workmanship on the Snipe from the International Snipe Class - 1954.


JF's Ozona Pram - and Mike Jones' Penobscot 14.


Fred Ebinger's New Haven Sharpie


Dock space was at a premium!


Several racing classes including these Flying Scots and E-Class Scows were having a regatta!


After dinner, JF put on a great presentation explaining his design process for the ROG (visible behind him).


Nice Lasagna dinner - and all you could eat.


Outside after the talk, JF fields specific questions about the ROG racer/cruiser.


Dave Lucas sailed Layla from the beach!


Dom Romer and his wife Sandra took the really good photos on this page, and are starting a one year vacation with their sailboat and RV.


Sunset cruise aboard the Menger Cat!

See you all in Cedar Key!


