Honest Johns Fish Camp on the Indian River Lagoon
June 14 - 16
photos by Ron Hoddinott, Simon Lewandowsi, Dennis Marshall, and Tim Webb
Ramp at Honest John's - Est 1880 !
First sight as I came around the cove! An anchored Pirate ship that never moved.
Seeking shade in the heat of the day
Dean Pacetti - builder of Slider Cat Honu
Chris and Tim - the ODay DS II owners
Most of the fleet
Sundown through the masts
Biggest and smallest - Simon's Egret and Tom's Paradox at sundown
Friday night singalong with Patrick and his Ukelele !!
A perfect setting for our group!
Ted's Hideaway and Dennis' Odd Duck.
Honu Hideaway and Fred's DeJaVu
Three Cats - Odd Duck - Fat Cat - and Alan Raedel's SunCat
Fred Metcalf's SeaPearl, DeJaVue on broad reach
Dean's Slider Cat chases Ted's Hideaway
Egret slides past Indian River Lagoon #1.
Simon having a rollicking good sail!
Egret wing on wing with a good breeze
Ted's SeaPearl Hideaway on a broad reach
Chris's DS 2 on the beach
Saturday night's campfire. Good conversation - good friends - good times.
Chris's O'Day and Tim's Red Witch racing along together
Tim's Red Witch at 9+ knots!
Phil's restored Com-Pac 16 sailing back to Honest John's on Sunday.
Dennis and Carols' Odd Duck - Sunday morning.
Egret sailing with Simon
Last ones to leave - Kristie awaits last photos.
What a boat and what a setting!
OK, I guess we really do have to get home someday!
Great trip, eh Kristie?
Whisper approaching Odd Duck on Sunday morning
Whisper heading back to Honest John's on an easy broad reach. Perfect ending to a great cruise.