Cayo Costa Cruise - October 20-22, 2017
photos by Ron Hoddinott, JF Bedard, Jonathan Arthur, and Simon Lewandowski
Simon steers Egret west toward Gasparilla Pass out of Eldred's Marina.
Photo taken by JF Bedard of Simon and Kristi aboard Egret.
Egret out in the Gulf of Mexico heading toward Boca Grande Pass.
Meanwhile Don and Carmen Montplaisir sail their West Wight Potter 19 across Charlotte Harbor from Eldred's Marina.
Billy VanDeusen sailing his ComPac SunCat, Cayo Gato, from Jug Creek to Pelican Bay via Ussepa Island.
Ron Hoddinott's SunCat, Nomad, follows Cayo Gato around the south end of Punta Blanco and into Pelican Bay.
Egret and JF Bedard's RoG (River of Grass) were safely at anchor in the cove when we arrived.
And so was Salty, Jonathan Arthur's C-Dory 22, finishing her 3rd Great Loop around the east coast of North America!
Doug Engh's SunCat Gatito sailed from Bokeelia on Friday.
Saturday morning sunrise from Cayo Costa's Pelican Bay.
The assembled fleet - altogether nine on this quite windy weekend!
Ron's Nomad at rest.
Tom Lyon's engineless SeaPearl sailed all the way from Port Charlotte on Friday and back on Saturday!
Don's West Wight Potter 19
The fleet looking north from the beach.
Not sure how Tom sleeps at that angle. Stin Linkert's WW Potter is seen in the background.
RoG and Egret
Open stern of RoG.
Saturday ice/fun run aboard Egret to the Ranger Station dock.
The long dock at the Cayo Costa Ranger Station - and running into the Manatee Hole under mizzen.
Kristi enjoying the sail.
Into a side channel where we found a pod of Manatees!
Manatees everywhere!
more manatees!
Simon cutting through mangrove islands with his shallow draft!
Three little SunCats make their way home with masts down to go under the bridge back to Bokeelia Ramp on Sunday morning.