St. John's River - Silver Glen Springs - Salt Springs Cruise
June- 2012
Photos by Ron Hoddinott, Bill Fite, and Dennis and Carol Marshall
Lodge on the Spring Run.
Ted Coming into the Spring area.
Hidaway, Whisper and MoonShadow - Three Pearls in-a-row.
Dennis playing violin for the Squadron.
Bill Fite sorting out gear aboard MoonShadow.
Odd Duck - Com-Pac SunCat out sailing.
Carol enjoying the sun and cool -72 degree - water!
Bill Fite returning to MoonShadow after a visit with Ron.
Great Blue Heron standing on a channel marker.
Nice shot of MoonShadow - by Dennis Marshall.
Hideaway - Ted Jean's SeaPearl 21.
The Pearls anchored a hundred yards downstream of the Spring.
Lined up out of the channel.
Good Looking Odd Duck!
Ted among the SeaPearls.
Whisper with Hideaway behind.
Two young Ospreys waiting for parents to return with dinner.
Dawn on the Silver Glen Spring Run.
Leaving Silver Glen to sail to Salt Springs on Lake George.
MoonShadow spreading her new sails.
Whisper swings in behind for a shot.
Whisper chasing Odd Duck.
Sandy landing at the entrance to Salt Springs
Dennis and Carol arrive at Salt Spring Run.
Lunch break before heading back to Silver Glen Spring.
Bill, Dennis, Ron, and the backside of Ted.
Ron spins around Whisper using the sails.
And off we go!
Back at Silver Glen, we cool off before making dinner.
Misty morning after a thunder storm roared through last night!
The food here was just DUCKY!
Get yer ducks in-a-row, and come with us next time!