Cayo Costa Cruise - November 2012

(Photos by Bill Fite, Simon Lewandowski, Ron Hoddinott, Dennis Marshall, and Pam King)

At Bokeelia Ramp - ComPacs, The Fat Cat of Pat Johnson, and Terry Clement's Peep Hen


Bill Whalen's Peep and Pam King's Classic ComPac 16


Pam King, Frank Wentzel, and Dennis Marshall at Bokeelia


Thursday night Bill Fite and Ron Hoddinott at the Fishery Dock. Photo by Ted Jean


The Fishery dock. Actually the restaurant is to the left!


Whisper on Sat morning!


The party's ON.. Dennis Bradley arrives.


Ron Pierce and Tom Nye arrive in Ron's O'Day 192


Pat Johnson sails in aboard Kat Kan Dew - a Michalek Fat Cat with twin bilge keels.


Terry Clements aboard Sartori - Peep Hen


Always upbeat... Pam King aboard "Forever 16"


Stan Hansen's Sea Pearl Tri with carbon fiber masts!


Bill Fite and SeaPearl MoonShadow


Simon and Cristie's Egret!


The two Egrets doing a ballet on Pelican Bay!


Odd Duck - Dennis and Carol's ComPac Suncat.


Yes.. we got her off the beach on Saturday!


Good Looking BOAT, Christie!


Dennis' Egret - schooner rigged


Sailing on the bay with two boats designed in the 1880's Florida.


Ron chats up new member Andy Williams, while Christie looks on from the Egret.


Yup. Simon's got a good eye for a boat and a photo!


Dennis' Egret from Simon's Egret


Close up of Egret's stern and rudder.


Meade Gougeon explaining the rig of his canoe - Woodwind.


Ron trying to fry a steak in a frying pan.


Bill Fite inside his SeaPearl cabin


Don Nemetz aboard his customized ComPac SunCat - Frisky.


Osprey on Punta Blanca Island Mangrove branch.


Sundown on Pelican Bay.


Dimitri's very well behaved kids hope you can join us next time!

